Project Gallery

Follow along as I transform some clean slate areas of my home into delicious design!

Project Mangia! Mangia!

 I picked up this beautiful platter from Ikea and my plan is to put the words Mangia Mangia (which means Eat  Eat in Italian) on it.  I may stencil them on or buy some vinyl letters from Say It Your Way, Etsy store.  I'll post an after pic once it's all done.  Stay tuned....

Painting the Living room / Kitchen

My living room and kitchen coexist in one big rectangle area.  A few years ago, I painted the wall that the living room and kitchen share a bold red color.  I liked it enough, but it really darkened up the house.  I decided to lighten things up a bit by taking Thrifty Decor Chick's advice and giving the color Sisal a try.

  Here is a picture of the red wall behind fireplace...

 Here is the fireplace wall in Sisal.  Btw, I had Home Depot match the color and used Behr paint with primer.  Covered it in one coat!!!  My fishy was relocated to the stairway.

The only thing is the tiles around the fireplace really blend in with the new wall color so I really, really, really want to make a white mantle.  A girlfriend of mine just made one and it looks awesome.  Gonna get some tips from her and  get to work.  Gotta have a place to hang our Christmas stockings after all. 

And as much as I love the Sisal color, I still wanted a splash of reddish color.  Maybe it's because I miss Autumn so much after moving to Florida from NJ in 1980.   I found an orange brick color I liked and slathered it on one accent wall over the kitchen cabinets.  Hubs thought it was the same red as I had on the other wall, but it so isn't.

okay, maybe it looks similar, but really there is a big dif.